Brianna Corallo

Athletic Training

CCA Athletic Trainer


2:00 pm - end of athletic day

i.e. end of last practice or game

"I became an athletic trainer to provide every athlete with the care and support they need throughout their athletic career here at CCA. I want to ensure they are able to continue participating in the sport they love as successfully and safely as possible."

Athletic trainers (ATs) are highly qualified, multi-skilled health care professionals.  Services provided by athletic trainers include primary care, injury and illness prevention, wellness promotion and education, emergent care, examination and clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions. Athletic trainers are not personal trainers or physical therapists. 

When to Contact the Athletic Trainer?

  • Alert trainer of existing medical conditions
  • Report all injuries
  • Good source for a referral
  • Need doctors note for clearance to return to athletics
  • If the student sustains a concussion, student must go through the Return to Play/Learn Protocol to get cleared to practice and compete.

858-350-0253 x 4061